26 February 2013

the drunkard's confession

you told me you wouldn't be able to fulfil every women's wish - walking down the aisle in gown, towards the groom-to-be at the opposite side.

you told me most probably i won't bear you your fourth child.


but did i tell you all these don't matters much?

09 February 2013


today is the eve of a new year in the lunar calender, while taking a break from cleaning my room, i wanna leave some words here..

i changed job, ended school-life, broke up with my boyfriend of then.. and the list goes on.

i got a new and challenging job, got a new guy, and although it's impossible for everything to sail smoothly, but at least i hoped for the better, better anger management for myself; more recognition at work; be healthier and skinnier at the same time; and the list goes on as well.

whatever it is, some people who're reading my posts here might poke their nose/s into my relationship life.. dont worry about that, and dont doubt or question me, there's always a reason for things to happen.

till then, drink more; drunk much; and sleep forever.

dear chiwawa

miss you very much.

see you soon.