Met up with BB* last night for dinner and chatted till 9+ then home sweet home.
While we're on the way home,
i got a really bad stomach which caused me to have cold sweats all over,
decided to walk home instead of waiting for the bus[it'll take me another 5-10 minutes].
Upon reaching home,
i thought the toilet would be available for me BUT,
VERY unlucky i must say,
both toilets were occupied.
Then outta desperation,
i texted BB*,
'Know what's the worst thing in life? Not having setbacks and facing obstacles IT IS, having all toilets occupied when you wanna lao sai. Damn.'
Gorilla* also received my message,
telling him how i felt like dying.
It seems like i'm announcing to the whold world that sooner or later i'm gonna shit in my pants ya?
Every Saturday would be a definite meet-up session for BB* and me,
but this coming Saturday i supposed we won't be meeting-up because she's going to her god-mother's place.
Date anyone?
i'm not desperade,
just bored.
SS* will be back by tomorrow from his Thailand trip,
and at the same time,
it's HER* 22nd birthday tomorrow.
The 15th is coming,
and i hate it.
*Names have been replaced with related significant subject/object.