22 October 2008


Just finished preparing dinner for family while Mum and Brother are still not home and while Dad is still sleeping because of working over-time last night. Know what? Every time when I got the chance to prepare meal(s) for my family members, it's really blissful. Now I understand how Mum used to feel when all she did is for her family, us. It's not as though she no longer cooks or do the housework, but just that she's not a 24/7 housewife now. (:


Damn! I hurt my wrist again. This time round it's not my left hand, unluckily, it's my right. I really need to get a policy for my hand. L.O.L.!


Suddenly I think of what my B.F. and I used to say during school-times..


Too bad, I won't feel jealous like you do, dumbsh*t. (: