Wonder why I put up a ''Kelong'' picture? Yup, it's somewhere I THINK I'll be able to find *peace*. Imagine waking up early in the morning, step out of the place where you slept the night before, looking across the infinity, you can see nothing but a red-blob crawling out. What you breathe in is real FRESH-AIR with a hint of saltiness from the sea-water. How wonderful? During those summer-season, a great leap from the planks, and dive straight into the cooling water can be such enjoyment. I'm not going to stay there forever, so thinking about the things I'll be doing during the Monsoon season will be kinda useless. Haha! To complete the picture.. Night time, with complete silence from surrounding, you hear nothing except the howling of wind, and the cranky sound from the planks. Lying on full-back looking at the sky, thousands and thousands of stars stare back at you, accompanied by frequent meteor-visits.. Again, CAN ANYTHING BE AS WONDERFUL?
Never underestimate the POWER of Imagination.