Today's work is.. A-HEM. ANYHOW, I'm missing school - serious. I'm addicted to the heavy workload from school although it's monetary-unpaid.
Met up with Russel and KaiLoon for dinner last night, and when I thought I can be home to get prepared for work, Joe called. o.0 Had a good laugh of course, because Joe was telling me how this colleague(Winnie) of Janet told him that Janet had put on some weight and wouldn't bear to put up the recent photo(s) of hers in face-book or what-so-ever. We even imitated the possible-reactions of.. LOL! =p
Oh.. C'mon people, I've heard enough and talked enough. I choose a path and am ready for whatever consequences I'm gonna face. Choosing a path and can't handle the consequences isn't my way of doing things. I know whatever heard is being said for my own good, but don't worry, I came with nothing, I'll go with nothing as well. Peggy is still Peggy, instead, I'm stronger than before. Every step I take is being thought through thoroughly, because I don't wanna regret in future for the decision that I made, and that's the way I cherish things to the MAXimum. BUT, because of hearing sooooo much of HOLY stuffs from people around, I'll TRY to be as holy too, even to the extend of being a hypocrite, okay?
Just when I thought that my guardian-angels had gone for hibernation, they came back with good news.. Who's next? YOU will be next, bitch.