This is my FIRST-trip outta Singapore some time ago without my parents(with my grandparents, uncles and cousins though). (: I can't recall the name of the location, but look! The fountain is what we went for.

The water is really cooling and there're small fishes swimming around and into your pants.. ANYHOW, I really like this place although the stones beneath are covered with algae which is kinda slimy if you were to touch and feel them - Yucky!

After the fountain, we moved on to a friend's place which is around 2-hours car-ride away. It's a prawn-pond behind me in the picture. Hey, before I started using a prawning-rod to fish for prawns in Singapore, I SCOOPED for prawns using NETS without needing to pay a single cent AT ALL. Hoho! But sad to say, my trip there had stirred such a BIG typhoon which destroyed the whole place. :(

Things that are rare to see in Singapore. Raw Lotus-seed. How nice right?
TADA~! This crabby tried to block my way, telling me that it's his territory. I K.O. it by stomping on it again and again. Yes, it's his territory and therefore he MUST sacrifice.. Eh(just kidding about the stuffs mentioned)?
Bird nest around the size of your torso.
I'm not sure what this is called in English but I've seen it some time ago in Singapore selling at various fruit-stores. The one in the picture is a pre-matured one.

Palm-farm. It's a whole-grand-patch of palms. Wow..
Bye doggy~