- 2008
Hello to..
- 2009
Yesterday at 2359, I secretly make a wish.. Secretly hoped that I'll be able to find my Mr. Right. Haha! But of course, the priority is the health of ALL the people around me, including family members, friends and myself. (:
Goodbye to the sad 2008, and WELCOME 2009!! Not really anticipating, but at least I do hope for the better. Hope that.. Brother will be able to strike the TOTO because he's going crazy over it; Father will be able to strike TOTO as well so that he'll be able to retire from work; Mother to strike TOTO too! So that the family financial burden on her will be lightened; God-Father to strike 4D/TOTO, same as Dad - retiring from work; Grandfather and Grandmother to be blessed with good health so that they'll be able to see their grand-children getting married; 2nd, 3rd, 4th uncle, will be able to find a good wife to take care of them as well as Grandpa and Grandma; JiaHui and JiaMin(cousins) will NOT be lazy and grow to think maturely rather than quarreling with each other EVERYDAY due to nonsensical stuffs; AhBee(ShuJun) and QiDa will be having smooth-sailing in their job and marriage; KaiLoon will find his future life-long partner who will love him more than loving herself, and so, taking care of him and his family. And also, hope that you'll be able to find the feelings for Japanese Cuisine back; Joe will be able to find his future life-long partner and earn BIG MONEY~!!; Russel will finish up his NS smoothly as well as having flying colours academically; SoonSoon will find a pretty lady with BIG eyes and white smooth skin to sit in his future dream-car, and also good health for his Mother; Joanna(B.F.) will have a better r/s with her elder-brother, and blessed her and her family with good health and wealth; HuiXian will put her past behind and find a guy to pamper her and love her, AND, more freedom for her!; Denise and Shan will be happy truly; Last and the least, for those whom I did not mentioned, PLEASE DO NOT frown. It's not that I don't remember you guys, but because there are just too many to be listed down. My ex-colleagues(Waraku, Tonkichi, Yen, J-Toshi, Curry Favour..), my classmates and teachers(JPS, NSS, NYP, NAFA), my friends(Charles, Nick, Beena Auntie, ShuYun..), and WHOEVER! As long as we know each other, may you be blessed with God(whichever you believe in), with good health and good wealth, and loads of happiness!
Finally.. I sincerely wish that everyone will be happy deep down from the heart. I know that there'll be times when everything seems to be really tough, but as long as one believe in their Faith, everything will be over. To appreciate the things around and be contented about it, you will be the happiest person. So.. cheers to 2009 and.. HUAT AH!!