Perhaps in my parents' eyes, I don't worth a cent.
Just like how I was being criticised to the point that I don't worth A SINGLE CENT. At a point, I was being referred as someone who ''enjoys'' bullying other(s). But out of a sudden, this act of referring me as ''bad'' person was being said to be an act of BOOSTING THE PERSONALITY/CHARACTER of the one who got bullied. DUH? So AM I or AM I NOT a bully? It's not up to me to say, right? Pardon me for using ''Birds of the same feathers flock together''. So now can I presume that, in order to achieve the ULTIMATE GOAL, one can do ANYTHING, including doing things which involves an INNOCENT(to the extend that he/she wasn't given the chance to explain) third-party? (:
Do you deserve a second chance?
Watched -The Day the Earth Stood Still- with KaiLoon and Joe. It's just another ''DON'T HURT THE EARTH!!'' show, just like -The Happening-. With Keanu Reeves starring as the Alien which invaded Earth to save Earth from the people, I just don't feel the WOW in the movie, unlike how he gave me the WOW feelingS when he starred in -Constantine-. So.. We must all love one another including the Earth, if not WE WILL ALL D I E ~!! ANYHOW, so much of coincidences yesterday. First, we saw Ken and his wife(which I seriously can't recall her name =p) after having dessert. Second, my gastric was acting up, and so, we went to the food-court to take care of my gastric, only to realise that Glaudy(ex-Yen colleague) was sitting just right behind our table with her boyfriend. Once again I was asked to work at Charles's place, but this time round was asked by Ken's wife. If not for the VERY inconvenient location.. Well..
It's a wound that never heals.. But I will try.. Let's work hard together, okay?