Tired.. tired.. tired.. from work. Ever since I started school one-year ago, life revolves more around school rather than work. But now, no more school for at least 4-months. Work is still fine accept me feeling kinda tired although I can imagine the stack of cash waving at me(hey, hi!). Anyway, the fatso(Manager) submitted an appraisal for me, in order to increase my pay. So well, who doesn't want more money, right? And yes, Matsuura-san(just in case you're wondering who is it, he is the previous boss of the Japanese restaurant in M-Hotel) came for lunch on one of the days last week. Was really surprised to see him! He asked if I'm working full-time or part-time, intending to ask me over to his newly-opened restaurant. Hmm~
Alright, I need to get prepared for work later. Yawns~
I miss DearRy..