though i'm supposed to be sleeping now, but, due to my wet hair, i can't. so maybe i can blog about some happening today which leads me to have certain thoughts.
hours ago, a married colleague of mine hinted me(again) that he wants to be just more than friends with me. he told me that although he's married, but still available. not new to that, because he's a very frank person, telling the whole world about his private life(having a young mistress outside before, and left her when she asked about their future). i mean, either he's a good liar to the extend that this girl have no idea at all that he's married with 2 kids, or she's stupid enough to believe the guy that she's having sex with will be her future mr. right.
The problem is, i told him before that i don't trust people easily and so his reply was:
'that means it's hard to woo you, right?'
and knowing that, he told me that he's dying without me(because i stopped working periodly). for those who know me should be aware of how i'll be replying him.
'then i wondered how you survived before knowing me.'
i mean, please leave this kinda lines to those naive little girls. you already have a bad reputation in the company for being a jerk, and still, telling me to be aware of whoever and whoever. don't be the pot laughing at the kettle ya? i mean, i'm just trying to be nice and friendly to everybody, why wanna force me to dislike you and feel disgusted? you have your own private life, it's alright to me if you wanna have mistress outside but keep your claws off me ya. you wanna prey on me just because i have a innocent-virgin-look(he said it), but obviously i'm not. and most importantly, you know that i got a boy, and you saw him before, yet you are trying to let me do things behind his back just like how you did behind your wife's back. it's a shame to have someone like you, having the same surname. damn it.
baby is right, people with this kinda D name are jerks. yea, there MAY be good ones around, but hard to get by.
you know, the good thing about human is that they can act as though they're really pitiful, and is really capable to make it real. however, the bad thing about human is, their brain is like a lie-detector. the ears got the information and transmit it to the brain, the brain process on the words and analyse it. he told me that he got a son and daughter however being 'really pitiful', he said that they are never bonded-closely. the analysis is, when he got the time, he went drinking, spending time with mistress, going on trip. pitiful? damn you.
i personally feel that man, or perhaps woman is well, if you're not ready to get married and settle down, then don't! once you're married, it's no longer about you yourself. why wanna hurt those innocence? if you set them free before marriage, they'll get the happiness. isn't it just plain selfishness? why don't wanna be a playboy before marriage and forever be a playboy, but have flings after marriage?
in the past, once a man and a woman got married, they'll stay with each other till old(just like grandma and grandpa) and death will do them apart(though nowadays dirty old man have mistress outside too). but now, the younger generation is taking marriage way too lightly. a little disagreement will lead to big argument then divorce. of course no one is perfect, but if 2 person decide to get together, isn't it about giving in and reducing damage to the minimal?
sigh. human is taking 'love' to lightly.
no wonder the world is giving up on us.