29 June 2008


I mentioned in one of the previous post about how the show 'Wanted' became the stimulant of a good night sleep,
i saw the people's review of that show,

'The overall message that "Wanted" is trying to send is that we have to take charge and take chances to do what we really want in life, rather than wasting it away on a miserable existence. While it is at risk of being condescending and preachy, it injects a lot of humour and sass into it, so you'll feel more amped up about taking the plunge and getting that diving instructor's license, or whatever it is you've always wanted to do but "had no time to do it". After watching this movie, you'll realise the reasons you're not doing what you really want are all lame excuses you've concocted because you're afraid, and that your own worst enemy is truly yourself.'
