As usual, I'm shag than ever. Been really busy recently because it's time for submission of all assignments. Due to my laziness and playfulness, I was just idling for the first half of the tutorial week. So the second week, I was rushing the assignments like a mad woman. HAHA! Afterall, I'm back to school for good and today is already the last day of the first week after school re-open, which is a good thing, as well as a bad thing. Good thing is at last, I can have a beauty sleep for at least 4365789236383470-hours, and bad thing is, because my all-time-go-out-kaki(s) is/are away for company-chalet.
Dear BB,
it's alright about the neglecting me part because after all like what you said, there's no happily ever after anyway. (: Muacks~ No la.. Just kidding about that. I'm used to it and understand ya.