27 November 2008
25 November 2008
This is my FIRST-trip outta Singapore some time ago without my parents(with my grandparents, uncles and cousins though). (: I can't recall the name of the location, but look! The fountain is what we went for.
Bye doggy~
23 November 2008
All it takes is just a little imagination..

Wonder why I put up a ''Kelong'' picture? Yup, it's somewhere I THINK I'll be able to find *peace*. Imagine waking up early in the morning, step out of the place where you slept the night before, looking across the infinity, you can see nothing but a red-blob crawling out. What you breathe in is real FRESH-AIR with a hint of saltiness from the sea-water. How wonderful? During those summer-season, a great leap from the planks, and dive straight into the cooling water can be such enjoyment. I'm not going to stay there forever, so thinking about the things I'll be doing during the Monsoon season will be kinda useless. Haha! To complete the picture.. Night time, with complete silence from surrounding, you hear nothing except the howling of wind, and the cranky sound from the planks. Lying on full-back looking at the sky, thousands and thousands of stars stare back at you, accompanied by frequent meteor-visits.. Again, CAN ANYTHING BE AS WONDERFUL?
Never underestimate the POWER of Imagination.
22 November 2008
I love Gardenia!

20 November 2008
19 November 2008
Born to be a villain - me
Met up with Russel and KaiLoon for dinner last night, and when I thought I can be home to get prepared for work, Joe called. o.0 Had a good laugh of course, because Joe was telling me how this colleague(Winnie) of Janet told him that Janet had put on some weight and wouldn't bear to put up the recent photo(s) of hers in face-book or what-so-ever. We even imitated the possible-reactions of.. LOL! =p
Oh.. C'mon people, I've heard enough and talked enough. I choose a path and am ready for whatever consequences I'm gonna face. Choosing a path and can't handle the consequences isn't my way of doing things. I know whatever heard is being said for my own good, but don't worry, I came with nothing, I'll go with nothing as well. Peggy is still Peggy, instead, I'm stronger than before. Every step I take is being thought through thoroughly, because I don't wanna regret in future for the decision that I made, and that's the way I cherish things to the MAXimum. BUT, because of hearing sooooo much of HOLY stuffs from people around, I'll TRY to be as holy too, even to the extend of being a hypocrite, okay?
Just when I thought that my guardian-angels had gone for hibernation, they came back with good news.. Who's next? YOU will be next, bitch.
18 November 2008
Had a dream of one of the lecturers in school. TADA~!! CHL!! A ridiculously-shocking dream indeed(content kept secret.. shhh..). I think I'm missing school, missing the lecturers, and not to forget my classmates.
Start work tomorrow!! (:
17 November 2008
Dick, money and car - Part 2
Like what I mentioned earlier on about my relative's death, I have been going to the wake for this few days, and therefore it's the reason for letting my entry becoming 2-parts. It's the first time I WOW at the funeral site because CAN YOU IMAGINE THE SCENE IN HONGKONG MOVIE(S), WHEN ALL THE FOLLOWERS BOWED IN-FRONT OF THE TRAID-BOSS'S BODY? YES, it happened at MY relative's funeral. Okay, my relative ain't some kinda big-time-traid-boss, but both his twin-son are. All along I knew that I got relatives with this kinda background, but is like I NEVER got the chance to see them together even once since I was born. Until few years back when one of the relative's daughter got married, then I got the chance to see one of them. This time round, it's the other twin brother. It's really unbelievable to have this scenario happening right in-front of my eyes.
(P.S.: I know I'm being a mountain-tortoise, but how many people can actually have this experience? WOW~)
I think I'm idolizing this 2 legendary personnel. Wonder when will I be seeing them again..
16 November 2008
Dick, Money, Car
To be continue..
15 November 2008

'It's okay about them laughing at my silliness.' I told myself.
(: I'll prove.
After so long when I thought it's finally the time for me to go out and have fun, one of my relatives passed-away due to the blockage of the arteries. There goes my weekend BUT, I won't find it a trouble to pay him the last respect because that's the least I can do.
13 November 2008
If not..
..then I L-P-P-L lor..
But then ANYHOW, like what I told wifey, if I managed to get through this semester smoothly, she'll be given the permission to give me ONE TIGHT SLAP if I DELIBERATELY don't wanna pick up her call or throw my temper at her when she ask me to do my work for the rest of my time in NAFA. Well, I gotta force myself to be more discipline with this kinda punishment. Haha! ANYHOW, I going to bed NOW. Here comes my beauty sleep finally!
And not to forget, see ya(FMM 1B2) next year!
A-N-Y-H-O-W Why ah??
(P.S.: It's a little stressful right now. Coming here to talk about this ANYHOW thing is kinda de-stressing. Well, anyhow, it's just for a small laugh.)
11 November 2008
10 November 2008
09 November 2008
Rest in peace.. - Part 2
08 November 2008
Rest in peace..
Treasure and love those who are good to you and never leave you no matter what, and always keep in contact even if you're half-universe apart..
Hiro-san, you'll definitely be missed..
07 November 2008
o000o ^^ o000o
.. and blow it out..
Okay, I'm doing this because finally, the nightmare is partially over. After 6-days of what I can say is a crazy way of working, at last I'm able to sleep with peace, without having to jump out of bed just like this morning when I realised that the sky is bright when I woke up (intended to wake up at 3.30a.m., but in the end, the clock shows 6.45a.m.).
Alright, goodnight people.
Lastly before I shut my eyes, CONGRATULATIONS for passing the test and got the license. Haha! Don't forget to drive me around just like Jay Chou, and when I got mine, I'll drive you around and make sure you feel like as though you just went for a roller-coaster ride. Haha!
06 November 2008
Mid-November trip to Desaru is cancelled because it seems that no one else in my family including my grandparents and uncles is as enthusiastic as Mother and me. DUH! Too bad that I'm not allowed to go overseas with friend, if not.. I'll be VERY VERY contented just to go Genting during the Autumn/Winter season in order to experience the BRRRR weather(I LIKE IT, YOU KNOW?). Don't think that I'm a mountain-tortoise okay? I actually went Genting as a kid and experienced the cooling weather which till now, just to imagine it in my mind will make me smile.
Well, SEKALI because of extreme hardwork during 2nd and 3rd year in NAFA, I managed to get the scholarship and go overseas! DREAM ON LAH AH PEG!! Wahaha. Let's talk about my honey-moon 7-years later(if my WHITE-HORSE-PRINCE is understanding enough to RESPECT my robotic-working-attitude in order to get to NEAR-perfection, THEN, I'll consider PAT-TOR-ING with him during my 3-years in NAFA because seriously, I'm afraid that I can't manage my time well between SCHOOL, FAMILY, PRINCE, FRIENDS, WIFEY, MISTRESS.. LOL! Alright, if everything works well, I'll consider marrying him when he proposed to me. :D!). By then I'll be 26-years old. Children will come along 1 or 2-years after marriage if we're financially stable. Oh ya, I guess my honey-moon venue will be at the Capital of Scotland, lodging at the castle for royals, just beside.. anyway, I'm contented with what I have now. Pardon my flaws, because accepting that nothing and no one is PERFECT, is just as difficult as telling myself to lose weight. I NEVER KNOW THAT GAINING WEIGHT CAN BE SO BLISSFUL!
Seriously, I'm really sorry to those people whom I'm harsh towards. Because I felt there's NO NEED for me to say something indirectly in order to get to the point, as a FRIEND, I thought we ought to be truthful. But one thing I ALWAYS forgot is, most of the time, I NEGLECTED the feelings of others. I thought that for something I can accept, others can too. For now, I'm learning to curb down the bad-temper of time which can erupt fatally and UNINTENTIONALLY hurt those around. My bad, I'm sorry. Today's incident somehow tells me that good friends are meant to be kept, while bad 'friends' are for dumping. Those whom I neglected during my 'peak' came to me when I'm at the 'lowest' and those who neglected me when I'm at the 'lowest' and is/are only there when I'm at the 'peak', I know truly - period.
I felt so happy suddenly! ^^!
05 November 2008
Last Sunday - Work up at around 10a.m., started doing homework at around.. 1p.m. Slept at around 2a.m.
Monday - Slept at 6a.m., woke up at 8 to prepare for school.
Tuesday - Slept at 5a.m., woke up at 9 to continue with the unfinished work.
Now I truly understand what one of my teachers meant by not having the time to sleep for AT LEAST 4-days during the peak for handling of assignments.
IF only I don't do last minute work, I AM VERY SURE that I'll score AT LEAST B for every module. But now, I'll be grateful without any F - just a pass will do. (:
3 more days to go, unfinished work:
Product development
- sketches to be done in order for teacher to choose the best ones among, so as to proceed to the next stage.
(when my classmates are wrapping up their work, I still have long way to go..)
Fashion details
- 100 annoying stuffs to find
(when my class mates took 3 days to finish up the whole thing, I've yet to start..)
Computerised techniques
- the one last thing to be done
(shouldn't be a problem..)
- to finish up the making of skirt
(not a problem either..)
Communication skills
- a project about business plan, in order to convince our teacher to buy our idea
(dooms day.)
Goodluck to FMM 1B2 classmates, and goodluck to me.
04 November 2008
Why so serious?
Just remember something which happened this morning in school. A presentation done by ME was TOTALLY OUT OF TOPIC and the teacher simply just shook her head, smile and me, and asked me for an opinion about how she's going to grade me. LOL! In order to thanks her gratefully for seeking my opinion(LOL!!), I rewarded her with my silly goofy smile..
03 November 2008
Life is a joke
Firstly, I supposed that this is the last week of 1st semester before school-assignment on the 13th of November. Everything asked to do, must be pass-up accordingly to the respective teachers. But due to some problem of mine which takes up most of the time in the beginning. When everyone was halfway through the task, I just started out.. So, well.. hmm..
Secondly, congratulations to me because my computer finally crashed, and the worse things are, when I actually thought of moving all my stuffs to an external hard-disk the day before it went dead. Sixth-sense uh? Too bad, it's a little too late. Worst of all, it all happened when it's the 'peak' period of using computer to rush projects and stuffs. @#$%^&*
Counting down.. 4 more days.. 4 MORE DAYS OKAY!!
Then.. I'll look for jobs in order to pay off my debt. Anyway, any suggestion(s) for asking a $800-loan back from someone who used to be close with? Haha. Alright, then.. I'll wait patiently for wifey to go out with me so that I can buy her a candlelit-dinner, presenting the ugly-side of me with the gorgeously packed rotten roses. She loves BIG portions of food(when she can't really eat a lot o.0!), therefore I'll specially ask the Chef(s) in the kitchen to reserve those ingredients that are going to be thrown away. Don't waste!
(P.S.: I doubt wifey will be here to see this. Hehee..)
All I want is just a simple trip to East Coast Park.. Where I found happiness; where I found sadness. (:
01 November 2008
When I'm cooping at home rushing all my projects on a Saturday night, I know I'm not alone because.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
I know all my other classmates are doing the same thing!