23 October 2012

back again

well, once again i'm back to this place, to keep on updating my recent doings as well as happenings..


i shall say that i'm officially outta school(completing the whole of 3-years course without having a certificate). despite not achieving the certificate, i've acquired myself with a set of skill, and only those who've tested it will know(how should i put it? hmm. well, to simplify it - i know the whole production system of garments, and is capable of producing them.).

and so for the above mentioned, i'm finally out to the working society(although i'm always on-off working part-time here and there). i'm currently with Epicurean Concept - Hinoki Japanese Fine Dining Restaurant, working under Ronnie Chia(Tatsuya)'s brother - Lawrence Chia.

hmm. relationship wise, i'm no longer with the same guy. so.. well, shall not elaborate much also.

will come back here again to update.