19 July 2008

I love, I LOVE!

Went for dinner at Cineleisure-HongKong Cafe for dinner last night with BB,
Jaron and Celest joined us when we were half-way through the meal.
Got to know from Pork(new nick-name) that both Jaron and Celest were being make-fun by the bitch and other colleagues,
it's just another childish act of a 22 years-old as well as those who are even older.

Because of some reason that Pork didn't want to step out of his car at Orchard area,
he came to fetch us after we finished the meal.

Then later at night after Pork and G-man(new nick-name too!) had their dinner,
the 6 of us went to a chill-out place for some drinking and talking session.

So the joke was that Pork kept calling Jaron 'LP' which means 'male's genital organ',
then the joke went really wrong when Pork was told that the real meaning of 'LP' is 'Love Peggy'.

We are going out later again in the evening!

But it seems like I've left out Botak and SS as well as other friends of mine who used to be going out with us during weekends.
I'll reserve next weekends for Botak and SS,
maybe we can cycle to Jalan Kayu for prata-supper again?