28 August 2010


Caught Baby oogling at girls. 0.o!

Met up with Baby yesterday for movie(King of Fighters), then followed by meeting up with Loh Yew Joe for dinner(he didn't eat though) and catching up.
Had a great time still, although it's only a few hours which involved few pool-matches and basketball-challenge.


When we're truly worried for you and the situation you're in, you're happily involving yourself in another relationship. Russel, I'm speechless. Don't expect me to have sympathy for you or to be concerned about you again. Yes, you can tell me straight in the face that you don't need anything sh*t from me and I'll agree with you because you're such a capable man who earns good money, have good car, and endless string of woman around you. I'll assume that you only have more time for those who're useful to you whereas people like me, who are useless to you, are long cast aside.